Operational Co-Pilot

1000x More Data In Under 10 Minutes

Clients realize value instantly, unearthing operational efficiency for asset owners without an onerous implementation. Deliver instant ROI and unlock immediate value by harnessing the power of our cutting-edge anomaly detection system. Enhance efficiency and ensure you can proactively address potential issues, saving both time and resources.

Investor Co-Pilot

Boost Confidence & Control

Our approach intertwines the precision of zero-tolerance engineering with the elegance of expert financial strategies, ensuring your private markets portfolio is not just managed, but masterfully orchestrated. Our Investor Co-Pilot pioneers cutting edge technologies for performance attribution, direct alpha, capital pacing, and other needle-moving strategies.

Trusted Globally

You Are In Great Company

Our global network of experts is strategically positioned across various regions, providing specialized support to leading asset owners worldwide.


Europe & Middle East


North America

USA & Canada






Percent Up Time

Unparalleled reliability with perfect 100% service up time in 2023.


Active Regions

Our operations are underpinned by a trusted global competency.


Trillion On Platform

Unrivaled insights on underlying fund and portfolio company performance.

Soc 2 Type II Certified

Elevating Trust and Security: Proudly SOC 2 Type II Certified.

Complete MDR

Complete MDR: Uncompromised Security, Round-the-Clock Vigilance.

Customer Owned Data

Data Control and Confidentiality: Your Data, Your Terms.

24/7 Threat Hunting

Relentless Security: 24/7 Threat Hunting for Unmatched Protection.

Leading Cyber-Security

We are designed with security as our top priority. We have engineered our own bespoke OCR and NLP models where data can be traced at every stage.

Live InfoSec Trust Portal 

Leadership & Strategic Advisor Board

An exceptional team, renowned for their expertise and visionary guidance. Their profound industry knowledge and adept decision-making are instrumental in our success, making them invaluable assets to our organization's growth.

Harrison Shaw
CEO & Co-Founder

Harrison Shaw

Ashby Monk PhD.

Ashby Monk PhD.

Stephen Can
Chief Strategy Officer

Stephen Can

Michael Tannenbaum
Strategic Advisor

Michael Tannenbaum

Dean Rich Lyons PhD.
Strategic Advisor

Dean Rich Lyons PhD.

Dean Glenn Hubbard PhD.
Strategic Advisor

Dean Glenn Hubbard PhD.

Jason White
Strategic Advisor

Jason White

Khalid A. Alsweilem PhD.
Strategic Advisor

Khalid A. Alsweilem PhD.

Harrison Shaw

Harrison Shaw

CEO & Co-Founder

Harrison is CEO of Shelton AI, a software company that provides AI & machine learning to the most prestigious sovereign wealth funds, pensions, & endowments.

Prior to Shelton AI, Harrison created natural language processing software & led a research team of 26 software engineers on three projects for the largest private equity megafund.

Harrison, admitted at 20 years old, is the youngest MBA ever at Columbia Business School and Berkeley Haas, a time period where he concurrently received his Master of Financial Engineering certification. Recently, he was inducted into Cal Founders' Berkeley's entrepreneurial philanthropic society & has received the Peter E. Haas Award (Berkeley's highest award for public service.)

In his undergraduate studies, he graduated from UC Berkeley in 2 years with the most prestigious honor/scholarship (<.01%), received high honors on his thesis with Assistant Deputy Secretary of the US treasury, and served as Regent's & Chancellors' protege to the Dean of the Business School, Rich Lyons.

Ashby Monk PhD.

Ashby Monk PhD.


Executive Director of Stanford's Long-Term Investing

Stephen Can

Stephen Can

Chief Strategy Officer

Former Blackstone Senior Managing Director, Executive Chairman, and Founder of Strategic Partners. Stephen Can - Chief Strategy Officer, at Shelton AI

Michael Tannenbaum

Michael Tannenbaum

COO & CFO of Brex (+12.3BB Market Cap) has joined our team as Strategic Advisor.

Dean Rich Lyons PhD.

Dean Rich Lyons PhD.

Former CLO of Goldman Sachs and Dean of Berkeley Haas has joined our team as Strategic Advisor.

Dean Glenn Hubbard PhD.

Dean Glenn Hubbard PhD.

Former Assistant Dep. Secretary of Treasury for the US and Dean of Columbia Business School has joined our team as Strategic Advisor.

Jason White

Jason White

CFO of Silverlake Partners has joined our team as Strategic Advisor.

Khalid A. Alsweilem PhD.

Khalid A. Alsweilem PhD.

Former Chief Counsellor and Director General of Investment at SAMA, the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia, Former Fellow and Expert at Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center, and a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University.